Saturday, January 3, 2015

Steps to a Clean House

Since part of my new years goals is home organization, I would like to give you a few tips to a clean house.

Step #1: If you have kids or pets, sell them. A good place to list them would be Craigslist or eBay.

Step #2: Clean the house from top to bottom (every surface)

Step #3: Sit down and relax.

Step #4: Repeat steps 1-3 every six months.

.............easy peasy, right?

For the stubborn readers who refuse to follow step #1, here's an alternate outline.

Step #1: Clean the house from top to bottom, from point A to point Z.

Step #2: Go back to point A, where you started, and begin again.

Step #3: Finish point Z, take a bathroom break, and restart step #1.

Step #4: Pass out once the kids are in bed. Wake up and start back at step #1.

I have 3 kids, and the key to a clean house is what you'll find above. Since it's actually illegal, immoral and unethical to sell your children I surely hope you understand the first set of steps was clearly a joke. Or was it ;)

I have followed some home organization plans in the past, and they really are the best way to a clean home without losing your sanity (completely). This year I am going to follow along with some great ideas from the Home Storage Solutions 101 website and Facebook group. You can find there site here. I found this blog a few months back and started a tickler system to help organize 3 kids school papers. It's a really great system......when you remember to use it! :):) Home Storage Solutions 101 has a 365 declutter challenge, as well as a 52 Organized home challenge.

Go to their Facebook for more information!
Home Storage Solutions 101 Facebook

As I move forward in the coming weeks I plan to blog weekly about my organization progress, and I would love to hear any tips you have to share as well!


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