Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years!

It's New Year's Eve 2014. This year has flown by. While it definitely was not the best year I can't deny that it had some amazing moments. We bought a house this year, and my grandma became Cancer free! I am definitely looking forward to 2015 though. I typically suck with "resolutions" but excel with goals. So this year I'm setting a few goals to work towards.

1. Eat healthier, do yoga 3x/week (I've already started this)
2. Read 20 novels
3. Organize and utilize my home to its fullest capacity 
4. Reduce our debt
5. Explore my spirituality more in depth

I think these are all a great place to begin the year. I will more than likely be blogging about each of these as well. So stay tuned. :)

I wish you all the healthiest and happiest new year!

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