Tuesday, December 30, 2014

First Post and All that Stuff :)

So, here it is. My first post on my new blog. I've spent weeks trying to decide what to blog about, but I just couldn't pick a single niche. Which would probably explain why I changed my major 5 times before finishing. Commitment problems, folks. I mean...I do have a husband and 3 beautiful children that I'm fully committed to. Oh, and the house we bought this year. But some things I just have commitment issues with. My mind is afraid to be tied down. That's why I have named this blog Journaling with Jen. It doesn't cement my feet into a single topic--so you can bounce around with me from day to day. You just never know what I'll post! I will tell you a few of my favorite things. Then you can decide whether or not I'm worth the follow. Because let's face it, if you're here looking for articles about architecture or engineering you're obviously in the wrong place. ;)

Things I love:

  • My kids and family
  • My animals (and I have shit tons of them)
  • Swearing ^ refer to above bullet
  • Reading
  • Shopping
  • Makeup
  • Home organization 
  • Green smoothies
See, pretty much "mom stuff." I'm a stay at home mom, part time grad student, and part time advisor for a youth philanthropy board. Apparently I feel like I still have time to blog! So what you'll likely find in future posts will generally relate to the above topics. Not always, but usually. I hope you'll enjoy the posts, and I welcome any comments about what you want to see or hear about. Maybe I'll post about it, or maybe I won't. Ya just never know. ;)

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