Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Back to reality

The past couple of weeks have been nothing but relaxing and cleaning around my house. My husband has been off of work for the holidays for 2 1/2 weeks, and tomorrow he goes back to work. Surprisingly we did not murder each other during that time! The kids are back to school, except my daughter was home sick today. And my next grad school class starts next Monday. I suppose it is time to get back into the regular swing of things. The holidays feel like they went to fast, and January and February don't really leave anything to be desired.

To keep my spirits up I am going to focus on my decluttering and home organization missions (see previous post), begin yoga and meditate more frequently. I have been reading Awakening the Buddha Within by Lama Surya Das and I highly recommend it for anyone interested in learning more about Buddhism or mediation. This book was recommended to me a couple years back when I attended a Buddhist study group and I have been slow to start it. The past week I have set aside time each day to read at least a few pages and I have really enjoyed it. I am not a religious person, however I have been drawn to Buddhism for many years. Buddhism is much more than a religion; it is more of a path of finding yourself and seeking the truth of wisdom. I will likely post a review about it once I finish it. If you have other Buddhism books for beginners that you suggest, please let me know!

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